Cash Is No Longer Trash, But 6% Yielding Preferred Stocks Are Like Money In The Bank

„Focus on quality“ remains a key theme for fixed income investors this year. With that outlook, investors looking for higher yields but not willing to take outsized risks should consider investment-grade corporate bonds rather than preferred securities today. For investors who are willing to take additional risks to earn Read more…

Entertainment Industry Accounting

Contents: What does an Arts and Entertainment Accountant do? Accounting for music professionals and businesses: Staff Accountant Music Business Accountants advise and work with musicians and music industry companies on financial matters. Let us show you why thebest accounting softwarefor music business owners is FreshBooks. With the internet and digital Read more…

How to Make Adjusting Entries

Content Making adjusting entries for unrecorded items Why adjusting entries are needed Types of Adjusting Entries Spreadsheets vs. accounting software vs. bookkeepers Step 2: Recording accrued expenses With workflows optimized by technology and guided by deep domain expertise, we help organizations grow, manage, and protect their businesses and their client’s Read more…

Absorption Wikipedia

Content Online Language Dictionaries Scientific definitions for absorption absorption noun History and Etymology for absorption A taking in or reception by molecular or chemical action, as of gases or liquids. The definition of absorption is the state of becoming engrossed after totally concentrating on something. Look up absorption, absorbed, absorbency, Read more…